


Sejarah Singkat Universitas Kader Bangsa

Universitas Kader Bangsa, that is also called UKB (acronym), is a private college which provides educational and/or professional lectures in some study programs under Kader Bangsa Foundation (YKB), Palembang. UKB is built in 2000 alongside Education Department Ministry's letter (SK Mendiknas) No. 69/D/O/2001 with 10 study programs. However, YKB has officially provided 7 health academies and colleges since 1999 before in transformed to UKB. By SK Mendiknas No.12/D/O/2004 on January 30, 2014, about transformation the academies and colleges into UKB in Palembang and provided and managed by YKB Palembang, there are 19 study programs in Universitas Kader Bangsa. Universitas Kader Bangsa, that is also called UKB (acronym), is a private college which provides educational and/or professional lectures in some study programs under Kader Bangsa Foundation (YKB), Palembang. UKB is built in 2000 alongside Education Department Ministry's letter (SK Mendiknas) No. 69/D/O/2001 with 10 study programs. However, YKB has officially provided 7 health academies and colleges since 1999 before in transformed to UKB. By SK Mendiknas No.12/D/O/2004 on January 30, 2014, about transformation the academies and colleges into UKB in Palembang and provided and managed by YKB Palembang, there are 19 study programs in Universitas Kader Bangsa..



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